The Ad Council Launches Trade Association Advisory Committee to Galvanize Ad Industry Around Social Impact Programs

The Ad Council, America’s leading nonprofit leveraging the power of communications to inspire action and accelerate change around the most pressing issues in America, proudly unveiled its newly formed Trade Association Advisory Committee. The new committee is comprised of executives from trade associations representing every sector of the media ecosystem.

“The Ad Council’s ability to convene leaders within advertising and across all industries to focus on a shared goal is a testament to the power of collaboration,” said Lisa Sherman, President and CEO of the Ad Council. “Our incredible partners at the industry trade associations have been invaluable in helping to create lasting social change and we are thrilled to deepen these relationships with a shared commitment to moving the needle on America’s most pressing issues.”

Coming together in a collaborative environment, members of the newly formed Trade Association Advisory Committee will offer insights and perspectives on the challenges and opportunities facing their industries, guide the best ways to effectively engage their memberships, and explore opportunities to amplify Ad Council messages as a collective in the ultimate service of driving meaningful impact.

Founding companies and members of the Ad Council’s Trade Association Advisory Committee include:

  • Abby Auerback, EVP and CCO, Television Advertising Bureau (TVB)
  • Ajay Durani, Sr. Advisor of Marketing, Digital Place Based Advertising Association (DPAA)
  • Stephanie Fierman, CMO, Association of National Advertisers, Inc. (ANA)
  • Tammy Greenberg, SVP of Business Development, Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB)
  • Jeff Jan, EVP of Strategy & Growth, Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA), Chair of the Ad Council’s Trade Association Advisory Committee
  • Jennifer Jose, SVP of Public Affairs, National Association of Broadcasters (NAB)
  • John Koenig, Director, Indoor Billboard Advertising Association (IBAA)
  • Adrianne Lipscomb, VP of Creative Services, American Advertising Federation (AAF)
  • Lindsey Loving, Director of Marketing and Communications, News/Media Alliance (NMA)
  • Carryl Pierre-Drews, SVP of Marketing & Communications, Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB)
  • Ann Rubin, EVP of Marketing Communications & Events, American Association of Advertising Agencies (4A’s)
  • Joy Sims, VP of Strategic Communications, The Internet & Television Association (NCTA)
  • Greg Stewart, CEO, Mobile Marketing Association Global (MMA)

In support of Mental Health Awareness Month, the committee is pleased to announce its first collaborative effort. Beginning in June, the initiative will unite industries and significantly amplify the Ad Council’s Love, Your Mind campaign, extending the initiative’s mental health resources to those who need them.

“Our collaboration with these esteemed trade groups is vital, strengthening our position in supporting societal issues through the power of our platforms,” said Jeff Jan, EVP of Strategy & Growth OAAA and Chair of the Ad Council’s Trade Association Advisory Committee. “Being appointed as Chair of the Ad Council’s Trade Association Advisory Committee is both an honor and a testament to our dedication at OAAA and within the industry at large. As we honor Mental Health Awareness Month and support other impactful Ad Council campaigns over the years, it is inspiring to be at the center of these transformative efforts.”

For years, the Ad Council has developed strategic partnerships with individual trade associations to galvanize a specific industry around a singular issue. Partnerships such as TVB’s Project Roadblock and OAAA’s Child Car Safety Roadblock have significantly impacted the broadcast and out-of-home industries. During the pandemic, the Ad Council harnessed the collective superpower of all major trade associations to support the COVID-19 Vaccine Education efforts. By uniting the power of these associations, we formed a unified voice that reached millions of people across the country to achieve maximum impact.

More information on the Ad Council’s Trade Association Advisory Committee and other committees can be found here.


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